Tuesday, October 5, 2010

50.00 Gift card to Paperspring.Com-GIVEAWAY

Remember when I made my review HERE
The nice people at Paperspring have offered my readers a chance to win a 50$ gift to anything in their store!
First, go check them out on Facebook and like them
Come back let me know that you did AND let me know what you will order if you win in the comment box!
Please also leave me a way to get in touch with you if you win

Winner will be chosen by Sunday October 24, 2010.
The winner will have 48 hours to respond, then someone else will be chosen!
Have fun and Good Luck!


  1. Hi Beth, thanks for stopping by my blog! I am entering your giveaway & I now "like" Paperspring on facebook! I'm also following you back. Great blog!

    living well, spending less

  2. At Home Moma following via the blog hop. www.athomemoma.com

  3. I'm your newest follower. I'd love for you to follow me back!

    Cheers from Being Frugal & Making It Work

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm following them. If I were to win, I would order Christmas cards!

    Cheers from Being Frugal & Making It Work

  6. I am now following you thanks to Blog Hop Skip & Jump Wednesday, and it would be nice if you could share the love back on my blog;)
    Also don't forget, if you need any help increasing your blog's traffic or easy blog design tips, you know where to come!
    Today we teach another useful blog tutorial, so make sure you don't miss it! Happy Wednesday!

  7. Great Blog following from blog hop

    Salsa Trio giveaway ending 10/10/2010

  8. Hi there,

    Came by to return the follow. Thanks so much for stopping by.

    The Things We Find Inside

  9. I like your Facebook page! If I win, I would like baby announcements for my new grandchild.

  10. I like on facebook and I would order birthday invites for my girls' birthday party! hpb157@yahoo.com

  11. LIKED THEM ON FACEBOOK VIA ANGEL JACKLYN facebook.com/kytah00 & WOULD PROBABLY END UP ORDERING SOME "Pancakes digital name art™ DNA Mother's Day" CARDS kytah00@yahoo.com

  12. I like them on paperspring - I'd love to get some holiday cards
    msboatgal at aol.com
